Wednesday, 23 April 2014

Singin' In The Rain Movie Review

Sing'in In The Rain, a film directed and starring Gene Kelly was definitely a musical. There aren't many things I have to say about this movie. I didn't hate it but I didn't really enjoy it that much either. First off I have never really enjoyed the other musicals that I have seen in the past so my perception of musicals is tainted.

Sing'in In The Rain is a very ascetically pleasing movie. The costumes are nice and the sets are interesting, because of the musical within a musical plot line. The acting in the normal scenes were everyone didn't break into song were not the greatest. But the musical numbers were choreographed nicely and were actually the best parts of the film.

One of my biggest gripes with other musicals is that characters seem to pour out of the woodwork and randomly join in the dance numbers that they would have no way of knowing. The only scene that does this is a scene from the musical within Sing'in In The Rain. But the actual sing'in in the rain scene only has Don Lockwood (Gene Kelly) jumping around in the rain by himself. He is confronted by a policeman which brings his dance to a halt which I think is a neat idea and gave an element of realism to the characters and the musical itself.

If fun, nonsensical musicals are the thing you enjoy most in the film world then I would have to recommend this one. It incorporates musical numbers from older musical gives the film some historical content even though it isn't meant to be analysed that much.

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